John Sutcliffe

John qualified as a Chartered Accountant before joining Abbeycrest Plc shortly after it was floated on the junior market of the London Stock Exchange in 1985. John spent 15 years at Abbeycrest which was a metal jewellery business with a manufacturing plant in Thailand before moving to Town Centre Securities plc which is a property investment and development business. He joined Henry Boot plc in 2006 as finance director and was promoted to ceo with effect from 1st January 2016. Henry Boot has 3 divisions, Hallam Land which obtains planning permission for residential developments, the Commercial Development arm which develops brownfield sites for commercial use and the Construction division which includes Decent Homes operating around the M1 and M62, Plant Hire mainly down the M1 and Road Link which operates the A69 between Newcastle and Carlisle. In the year to 31st December 2016 Henry Boot PLC increased profits before tax by 22% to £39.5m on sales of £306m.

John retired with effect from 31/5/2020. his retirement projects are Treasurer and Council member at Sheffield University, NED of Beal Homes, a 300 unit house builder from East Yorkshire and I am a Pension Trustee for the Henry Boot PLC defined benefit pension scheme.

