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People often assume that leadership and management are the same, but if you’ve ever been promoted into a management role, you’ll know that you don’t automatically become a leader. There are important distinctions between the two but for any company to succeed, they must work hand in hand. Here are a few of the key differences.

Managers organise, leaders innovate

Managers will assign tasks to those who have the proven skills and ability to complete them, they will also provide guidance on how best to accomplish it. Leaders know that people who work for them have the answers or are able to find them. They trust that their team will find the right answers on their own and resist the urge to tell them what to do and how to do it.

Managers set goals, leaders create visions

Goals are important, which is why managers focus on setting, measuring and achieving goals. They’re able to control situations to enable the team to reach or exceed their objectives in a practical way. Leaders on the other hand, know that high-functioning teams can accomplish a lot more working together than individually. Leaders can paint a picture of what they see as possible and inspire and engage others to make that vision into reality.

Managers control risk, leaders take risks

Managers don’t want to get out of their comfort zone, they seek to avoid or control problems rather than embracing them. Leaders are not afraid to try new things, they understand that failure is not end but a different path to success.

Both Leadership and management are necessary for a successful business, neither is more important that the other. Any effort to separate the two within an organisation is likely to cause more problems than it solves. A company needs management that can plan, organise and coordinate its staff, while also inspiring and motivating them to perform to the best of their ability.


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